We Embrace Exploration
Toddlers are learning many exciting and new things, experimenting, and meeting new challenges as fast as they come. They are learning new social skills and with that come new levels of emotions. The Brainy Kids Place toddler program is developed to provide hands-on activities which allow children to explore, inquire, and discover solutions first-hand.
“Our daughter is now 6 months old. During her time at BKP, she has continued to strive. She has exceeded all my expectations as a mother as she grows, learns and excels. Although it is heartbreaking to miss out on moments like her first time to sit up or crawl, I feel better seeing the excitement on the faces of the BKP team (it is almost as though they are excited and proud as I am to see her new moves!). I love that BKP keeps me up to date on her progress and what she is learning each day. Further, BKP does activities with her every day which I know she enjoys and my fridge does, too!”
Kindel Jenkins